Load packages and import HYPE model files.
# Load Packages
# Get Path to HYPEtools Model Example Files
model_path <- system.file("demo_model", package = "HYPEtools")
# Import HYPE Model Files
gd <- ReadGeoData(file.path(model_path, "GeoData.txt"))
gcl <- ReadGeoClass(file.path(model_path, "GeoClass.txt"))
stats.cout <- ReadSubass(file.path(model_path,"results","subass1.txt"))
mcrun <- ReadMapOutput(file.path(model_path,"results","mapCRUN.txt"))
# Read GIS Files
map.subid <- st_read(file.path(model_path, "gis","Nytorp_map.gpkg"))
#> Reading layer `Nytorp_map' from data source
#> `/tmp/RtmpcpWXhe/Rinst19ff43e94c40/HYPEtools/demo_model/gis/Nytorp_map.gpkg'
#> using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 25 features and 38 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: 518978 ymin: 6413496 xmax: 541065.4 ymax: 6444436
#> Projected CRS: SWEREF99 TM
map.Qobs <- st_read(file.path(model_path,"gis", "Nytorp_station.gpkg")) %>%
mutate(SUBID = 3587, .after = "long") # Add SUBID to gauge station attributes
#> Reading layer `Nytorp_station' from data source
#> `/tmp/RtmpcpWXhe/Rinst19ff43e94c40/HYPEtools/demo_model/gis/Nytorp_station.gpkg'
#> using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: 538901.5 ymin: 6432544 xmax: 538901.5 ymax: 6432544
#> Projected CRS: SWEREF99 TM
# Show the column names of imported GIS file
#> [1] "lat" "long" "SUBID" "geom"
# Plot Model Subbasins
# Show the column names of imported subbasin performance file
#> [1] "SUBID" "NSE" "CC" "RE(%)" "RSDE(%)" "Sim" "Rec"
#> [8] "SDSim" "SDRec" "MAE" "RMSE" "Bias" "SDE" "KGE"
#> [15] "KGESD" "KGEM" "NRMSE" "NSEW" "Nrec"
# Choose to plot NSE; Assign the selected statistics column number to stat.col.plot
stat.col.plot <- 2 # For NSE
stat.nm.plot <- "NSE"
# Generate Plot - There is only one observation station, so only one point appears on the map
PlotMapPoints(x = stats.cout[, c(1,stat.col.plot)],
sites = map.Qobs, sites.subid.column = 3, bg = map.subid)
#> Joining "SUBID" from GIS Data (sites) To "SUBID" from subass (x)
# Generate Plot - There is only one observation station, so only one point appears on the map
# PlotMapPoints(map.type = "leaflet",
# x = stats.cout[, c(1,stat.col.plot)],
# sites = map.Qobs, sites.subid.column = 3, bg = map.subid,
# legend.pos = "bottomright",
# plot.scale = FALSE, plot.arrow = FALSE, plot.label=TRUE, bg.label.column = 25, plot.bg.label="static")
# Show the column names of imported GIS file
#> [16] "AAUEB" "AA_ANT_ARO" "MEDHOJD" "VERSION" "Shape_Leng"
#> [21] "SUBID" "aroid_old" "Shape_Area" "omr_info" "SUBID2016"
#> [26] "RIVLEN" "rotarea" "rivlen_old" "rivlenold_" "SUBID201_1"
#> [31] "AREA" "PARREG" "int_andel_" "barrskg" "lovskg"
#> [36] "blandskg" "skog_tot" "REGION" "geom"
# Generate Plot
PlotMapOutput(mcrun, map = map.subid, map.subid.column = 25, var.name = "CRUN", legend.title = "Runoff (mm/d)",
col = ColQ, col.breaks = NULL, legend.pos = "right")
#> Joining "SUBID2016" from GIS Data (map) To "SUBID" from MapOutput (x)
# Generate leaflet map with additional bling
# leafmap <- PlotMapOutput(mcrun, map.type = "leaflet", map = map.subid, map.subid.column = 25, var.name = "CRUN", legend.title = "Runoff (mm/d)",
# col = ColQ, col.breaks = NULL, legend.pos = "bottomright", map.adj = 0, plot.scale = TRUE, plot.arrow = FALSE, plot.label = TRUE, plot.searchbar = TRUE)
# Add Additional Basemap and Marker for SMHI Location
# leafmap <- leafmap %>%
# # Update Layers Control to include the new Basemap and SMHI Marker
# addLayersControl(
# baseGroups=c("Map","Street","Topo","Satellite","Stamen Toner"),
# overlayGroups=c("Subbasins","SMHI"),
# options=layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)) %>%
# # Add Basemap
# addProviderTiles(provider = providers$Stamen.Toner, group = "Stamen Toner") %>%
# # Add Marker on Map for SMHI Location
# addMarkers(group = "SMHI",
# lng = 16.151890,
# lat = 58.578950,
# popup = "SMHI")
# View Updated Map
# leafmap
# Start App - Symbolize with points
# VisualizeMapPoints(
# results.dir = system.file("demo_model", "results", package = "HYPEtools"),
# sites = system.file("demo_model", "gis", "Nytorp_centroids.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools"),
# sites.subid.column = 25,
# bg = system.file("demo_model", "gis", "Nytorp_map.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools")
# )